Monday, December 13, 2004

Holly Jolly

Today is Christmas for Cara, Leesha and myself. They leave tomorrow and won't be back till after the real Christmas so we celebrated today. I had off from work so I got to spend a some time with Cara before Leesha got home from school. We had a lot of fun opening up our presents from each other and from my parents to all of us. Cara suprised me- she got me the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy boxset! I went from having none of the extended versions to all of a sudden having them all. One thing I gave Cara was a fleece shawl, this gift may be more for me than her because I think she looks so cool in it! It was a good night. (however, Leesha did feel the need to push mom's boundries tonight, we didn't get by without some conflict, but thats ok. She was a very tired kid and thats what happens when kids are tired)

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