This is from our 2007 - 2008 News Letter which can be found here.
February 2007
- Cara's first appointments, hearing "Bopper's" heartbeat
- Learned our friends Eric and Keesha were 6 weeks behind us in "infanticipating"
- Ultrasound - Grandma Darlene, Dad and Leesha were all able to be there due to the snow day
- Jeffry felt "Bopper" move
- Set up Leesha's "big sister" room
- Saw Greg and Mandy
- Visited St. Louis - taking in the Dog Museum and registering at Babies R Us with Grandma Holly and Great Grandma Mary
- Figured out how to work our living room shades after they'd been up for 6 months
- Trip to Labor and Delivery to see if Cara was in pre-term labor
- Leesha got her first soccer ball
- Cara got a 6 week teaching assignment in one of the 1st grade rooms at North Heights (Leesha's school)
- Mandy's shower
- Garage sales - sold Cara's old car
- Spent Mother's Day with Darlene (Cara's mom) for the first time in a long while
- Dog-sat Sadie for the last time
- Started gardening
- Took a tour of the hospital
- Time with the Willis family over Memorial Day which included setting up the nursery

- Cara had a pregnant lady temper tantrum over getting the house ready for the baby
- Leesha gets her first fish at the all-school picnic
- We mourned when Sadie had to be put to sleep
- Leesha broke the repaired portion of her tooth off on the last day of school
- Celebrated Darlene's birthday with her for the first time in a long while
- Celebrated our second anniversary
- Took the New Baby class
- Leesha learned to sew
- Father's Day with David (Cara's dad)
- Pre-Baby Shower with friends from our small group
- Saw Anu when she visited from Philadelphia

- Visited our friends the Trelevens in Altoona, WI
- Welcomed Greg and Mandy's son, Simon Lee Willis on July 3rd
- Saw spectacular fireworks at the lake just down the street
- Cara spent time with her friend Kristyn and her kids
- Visit from Steve and Holly
- Tried to tempt fate (and speed Bopper's arrival) by seeing Spiderman 3 in a theater
- Cara turned 32 and celebrated with David and Darlene as well as Jeffry who stayed home because we suspected labor
- Finally (8 days late), Jack Elliot Willis arrived at 3am on July 27th weighing in at 8lbs, 15 oz and measuring 22.5 inches

- Getting to know Jack and becoming adjusted to being parents of an infant
- Craig, Tracy, Nathaniel and Aaron arrived for a visit from Kenya
- Jeffry takes two trips out of state to bring back new buses
- Another visit from Steve and Holly
- Cara returns to Linens-N-Things, and Jeffry survives time alone with 2 kids
- Eric and Keesha's son, Keane Philip Pfeifer arrived on the 13th
- Jack's hair takes on a "sticketty-uppity" style
- Jack's first smiles and visit to the MN State Fair
- Post-baby shower

- Jeffry celebrated his 33rd birthday with his parents for the first time in a while
- Friends and family join us for Labor Day
- Leesha started 4th grade at North Heights
- More firsts from Jack - sleeping through a night, cooing, going to the church nursery, and Grandma Darlene's daycare
- Time with Bombergs before they moved to Florida
- Leesha got her first A+ and went on a field trip
- Cara started subbing again
- Trip to the MN Zoo with Craig and family
- David and Darlene are acknowledged for retiring from their 36 years in Africa

- Jack's first laugh, and Halloween (this year's clever costume - Jack in a box)
- New family joined our small group
- Cara realized Jack outgrew some of his new clothes before ever wearing them

- Cara's grandmother passed away
- Jack rolled over, figured out his Johnny Jump-up and started solids
- Celebrated Thanksgiving with Jeffry's family early
- Replaced washer and dryer
- Leesha had her friend Ashley over for sleepover
- Dog-sat Hazlenut (the new small group family's dog)
- Leesha had all her biological grandparents attend Grandparent's day at school
- Thanksgiving with friends and family
- Visited the Bell Museum of Natural History
- Cara got to do some Christmas goody making with Darlene
- Leesha learned to do her own laundry

- Snow
- Leesha performs with her schoolmates at the Mall of America
- Anniversary of Leesha's accident
- Visit from Anu
- Time with family over Christmas
- Jack had his first playdate with Keane
- Jack got a tooth
- Cara ended her part time job at Linens-N-Things
- Jeffry took care of Jack, and even took him out on an errand
- Jeffry and Cara saw Sweeney Todd
- Spent an evening with our neighbors

January 2008
- Went sledding with some members of our Small Group on New Year's Day
- Jeffry got a new desktop
- Celebrated David's birthday
- Leesha turned 10 with more celebrations than ever before, including a trip to Underwater World
- Got an elliptical
- At 6 months, Jack got his first haircut, then he's on the move!

- Simon's dedication
- Cara got her first laptop
- Leesha's best friend changes schools : >(
- Time with our friends the Browns and their kids
- Leesha had her first piano lesson, and got a half day off of school due to the water main breaking
- Modifications to the kitchen so Cara has an "office"
- Jeffry and Cara got to go out for a Valentine's Day date

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